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Aviat Husky

The Aviat Husky is a relative newcomer to the bush flying realm, as it first flew in 1985. It was the only new aircraft placed in production during the 1980s due largely to a recession in general aviation. The Aviat Husky is built by Christen Industries, Inc., of Afton, Wyoming. According to the company, the Husky was inspired by the Piper Super Cub and the goal was to create a plane that Super Cub pilots would fly and say, "I wish it [Super Cub] would do that." Although the two planes are similar in appearance, they both have their own individual qualities and the subject of which plane is best can become quite heated at times. Huskies typically are equipped with Lycoming 180 hp engines, though 160 and 200 hp engines are available. Like the Super Cub, the Husky can be fitted with floats, skis or tundra tires.


Although designed with the aid of computers, the Aviat Husky shares similar construction with that of the Super Cub. The fuselage features a welded, steel tube frame covered with fabric.

Watch this Husky perform short field take off and landings at Sleap Airfield in Shropshire, England. It's pretty amazing.

Watch this Husky floatplane strut it's stuff at Oshkosh in Wisconsin, USA.

This next video features a Husky landing on a sand bar in Alaska, USA.

Ken from the United States, who has been flying since 1967 wrote in to tell us the Aviat Husky is his dream plane.

Do you agree with him? Say so here.

Here is a sweet video of the Aviat Husky flying down the Mississippi River. The pilot describes how he learned to fly from his high school algebra teacher back when fuel was cheap.

We thought you would enjoy this Husky Flying demonstration video. The videography alone is impressive.

Though not a bush plane, it cannot go without noting here that the Aviat company also manufactures the Pitts aircraft.

This next video is a very special kind of Husky.

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