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Dornier Do-27 and 28 Aircraft

The Dornier Do-27 and Do-28 were the first, post-war aircraft offered by the German Company Dornier. They were both excellent STOL planes, and aside from the fact that not too many were made, they found their way into the bush fairly readily and easily.

The Do-27 was roughly comparable to the Helio Courier series and the Do-28 was a twin-engine outgrowth of the Do-27. These aircraft feature geared Lycoming Engines that are very expensive to overhaul and, while dependable engines, are incredibly intolerant of mishandling by pilots.

The Dornier Do-28 featured a unique mounting of the twin engines on pylons emanating from the nose and with the exception of the ultra small Cri-Cri homebuilt twin, the author is unaware of any contemporary designs which have this feature.

Quite a lot of fuss has been made over the Dorneir Do-27 aircraft as of late since it past its 50th birthday in 2006. There was an airshow in Germany and a movie was made called 50 Jahre Dornier Do-27. Unfortunately, most of the information available is in German. However, the video below features music without lyrics or verbiage and some really cool footage of the aircraft in a language we can all understand (pictures). From the video below, its apparant the Germans love this aircraft. The Dornier DO-27 pictured above is featured in the following video footage.

Dornier DO-27 Fan Club

Ernesto, from France, who has been flying for six years says he "would only own a Dornier Do 27."

Luiz, from Brazil, who has been a professional pilot since 1976 voted the Dornier 27 his dream plane and the best bush plane. Do you agree? Vote for your best bush plane here.

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