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Grumman Goose

The Grumman Goose is an amphibious aircraft which, though it has a storied history, was never a common plane. 345 were built and of those approximately 50 remain airworthy. The Goose first flew in 1937 and was part of a series of Grumman seaplanes which culminated in the Grumman Albatross.

In its original form the Goose sported Pratt & Whitney R-985 radial engines like the Beech 18. It is, very roughly, the amphibious aircraft equivalent of a Twin Beech, but because of the heavier weight of its watertight hull, will not carry the load of the Beech 18. The Grumman Goose had some somewhat peculiar characteristics which, while easy to master, make it not a good choice for low-time, only occasional, flyers, unless of course, your are flying the Grumman Goose below. This is not an actual photograph but a computer simulation, and a good one if you ask me. Especially because the real Grumman Goose didn't have a fancy paint job and because computer simulation allows a person to get some training with more safety and less expense.

This amphibious aircraft has had a plethora of engine modifications over the years, from geared and straight Lycoming "flat" engines to turboprops. In any form the Grumman Goose is a rare and expensive bird. Most owners jealously covet their Goose. The Goose can carry nine people, depending upon interior, and will cruise around 140 mph.

Watch the Grumman Goose take off over Dutch Harbor, Alaska.

Euan, from New Zealand, who has been flying since 2004 wrote in to tell us his dream plane was the Grumman G21 Goose.

Dougal Chestnut from the United Kingdom says the Grumman Goose is at the top of his list of dream planes (along with Sky Raider, Storch or Storch knock-off).

Do you agree? Tell us about your favorite plane here. Danielle from Botswana had this to say, "I'd love to have my own "houseboat" plane - I've seen this on a grumman goose, but I reckon there might be better options."

Thanks Danielle, if we hear of some good "houseboat" plane options we will certainly pass them along.

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