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We’ve included, as more or less a spoof, the Yak-40 in our description of bush planes and now we consider a little more rational bush plane for the typical bush pilot. The Yak-12 appears to be offered by some aircraft sellers, but whether these are new production planes or old planes from the Soviet Union and Poland is unknown to the author. What is known about the Yak-12 is that it is an old design, originating during World War Two as a light liaison and observation aircraft for the Soviets. In the late fifties, the Yak was produced in Poland. China also produced the Yak-12 as the Shenyang type 5. These planes seated four people and had radial engines from 160 to 260 hp. Fixed slats were featured on the main wing.

What use restrictions in use these planes would have in the west is unknown, presumably they would be the same as those applicable to the Antonov An-2. Watch the Yak-12 tow a glider in the video below.

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