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Here is a video about dogs that jump out of helicopters and save people's lives.

Thanks to everyone who has visited and contributed to We've enjoyed the stories, jokes and pictures from our bush pilot friends. It's especially nice to hear from our pilots in the armed forces who are working hard to make the world a better place. We promise to replace the navy plane as the winner of the oopsie award just as soon as we get a better oopsie!

Amazingly, our second largest group of visitors come to us through the US Department of Education. Welcome students. We're glad you found us.

Thanks also to our friends north of the border, south of the border, across the pond and down under. has a great fan base in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Norway, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Sweden, Seychelles, Germany, France, Greece, Greenland, Austria, Argentina, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, New Zealand, Hungary, Spain, Iceland, India, Iraq, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Estonia, Fiji, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Nepal, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, the Czech Republic, the Caymen Islands, the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, Lithuania, Anguilla, Chile, Columbia, Bahrain the Dominican Republic, Gernsey, Kenya, Korea, Columbia, Croatia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Qatar, Serbia, Slovakia, Thailand, Turkey, Spain, Ukraine, New Zealand, Romania, South Africa, Venezuela, Vietnam and Zambia and so many other places we'd have to get out a map to name them all. Its good to know there are so many around the world that share our enthusiasm for bush planes and bush flying.

Last but certainly not least, thanks to our friends in Alaska, the last frontier, without whom, this site would not be possible.

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