Bearhawk Aircraft Specifications


Top Speed (Vne) 175 mph, IAS

Cruise Speed (260 hp)150 mph (62%), TAS (varies with builder,engine,weight)

Cruise Speed (180 hp) 135-140 mph, TAS

Landing Speed 40 mph, IAS

TakeoffRoll 200-500 ft, demonstrated (depends on engine)

Rate of Climb @ gross1,500-1,700 fpm (varies with builder,engine, etc.)

Range@ 65% est. 650 mi.

Range @ 50% est. 900 mi.

Empty Weight1150-1350 pounds(varies w /builder /engine /prop)

Gross weight 2500 pounds (2700 pounds on floats)

Useful Load 1350-1150 pounds (varies w/ builder/ engine/ prop)

Fuel Capacity50 gallons (standard) 68 gallons (optional, w/aux tanks)

Wing span33 ft.

Wing Area 180 sq. ft.

Length 23 ft. 6 in.

Cabin Width42 in.

Cabin Length9 ft 8 in.(firewall to back of back of baggage area)

Engine HP range 150-260 hp

High useful load 

-1300 pounds w/180hp 

-1100 pounds w/250 hp 

Useful Performance 

250 hp -160 mph @75%-150 mph @62% 

180 hp -145 mph@ 75 %-135 mph @ 60% 

40 mph landing speed 

400 foot takeoff at 2,500 pounds (250 hp) 

650-800 mile range on standard tanks 

850-1000 miles with aux tanks 


Four FAA-people, full fuel (50 gals std) 

Cabin size of Cessna 180 

52 inch cargo door 

Super wide CG envelope (12") 


Build time 850-1200 hours (actual builders' times) 

All-metal wings-90% factory riveted, solid rivets 

Fuselage 4130 tube-painted and ready for cover 

Proven Design 

1000 hours on prototype 

70 plus kits delivered 

Over 20 now flying (kits and plansbuilt) 

Performance specs verified by builders

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