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The Following Items are included:

All Documentation – instruction manual, drawings, photographs, illustrated parts manuals, maintenance, and flight manuals.

Lower Cabin/Airframe Section – includes preformed bulkheads/ribs, pilot drilled skins, castings, and hardware.

Upper Cabin/Airframe Section – includes preformed ribs/firewall assembled with skins and hardware. Hardpoints and skins, preassembled and riveted in place.

Landing Gear Section – includes main and nose wheel/brake assemblies, oleo struts front and rear, 4130 chrome-molly steel weld assemblies, all castings and hardware.

Nose and Windshield Section – includes windshield and composite nose, preformed ribs/bulkheads, instrument panel section, composite doors, and hardware.

Tail Cone Section – includes tail cone, 4130 chrome-molly steel tail cone support, castings, stabilizers, and hardware.

Tail Rotor Section – includes tail gearbox, and intermediate gearbox components, pylon casting and tube, tail blades preassembled to hub painted and balanced, driveshaft, spline couplings, tail skid, control rods, and hardware.

Main Rotor Section – includes main rotor head components, 4130 chrome-molly steel pylon, main shaft, castings, bearings, swash plate components, preassembled main gearbox, tail driveshaft with bearings, support brackets, and hardware.

Flight Control Section – includes dual cyclic, dual collective, and dual pedal controls, mixing unit, tail cables, heel rests, vibration dampers, brake cylinders and lines, control rods, rotorbrake, electric trim, magnetic brake, and hardware.

Powerplant Section – includes 4130 chrome-molly steel engine mount, elastomeric mounts, engine cooling fan, cylinder baffles, cylinder jacket, oil cooler and composite adapter, oil tank and mount, exhaust and silencers, driveshaft, flywheel, clutch and freewheel unit, carburetor heat adapter, air filter, and hardware.

Fuel System Section – includes bladder tank, gaskets, filler neck, covers, fuel quantity probe, sump assembly, electric fuel pump, fuel and oil hoses, fuel strainer, fuel primer, and hardware.

Instruments and Electrical Section – includes the following gauges: dual tachometer, airspeed, altimeter, manifold pressure, transmission oil pressure, fuel pressure, cylinder head temperature, engine oil pressure, engine oil temperature, fuel quantity, carburetor temperature, volt/ampmeter. Also switches, circuit breakers, wire harness, connectors, relays, navigation lights, quadrant, cables, and hardware.

Seat Section – includes composite front seats and hardware.

Cowling Section – includes composite engine cowling, upper center section, ribs, brackets, and hardware.

Main Rotor Blades Section – includes blades preassembled.

TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $138,600.00

The following items are not included: engine, paint, upholstery, crating, and freight.


Engine Lycoming VO-435-A1F . . . . . $31,920.00

QuickBuild Fuselage . . . . . . . . . . . . . $48,300.00

Right Rear Cabin Door Kit. . . . . . . . . . $1,062.00

(Specification and Pricing Subject To Change Without Notice.)

Paint cost is approximately $1500. Upholstery cost is approximately $1000. Radios can be as inexpensive as $800. Compare this finished cost against other helicopters.

Robinson R-44 $367,890.00 four place Enstrom F280 $365,000.00 three place Schweizer 300C $308,859.00 three place


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